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flite 1.4/eflite-cvs/emacs.23.3.1/emacspeak-33 cuts speaking very end of each sentence.

Hallo Group Members, Hallo Allan

I upgraded my ubuntu 10.04 (flite.1.3+alsa suport) to 11.04 (flite.1.4)
and I noticed that flite/eflite/emacspeak cuts speaking very end (like
0.3 sec) at the end of each sentence.

On one hand, problem seems to be more related to flite. why?
To get to the problem more deeply I decided to skip packages provided by ubuntu and build all from sources:
eflite from cvs: export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxx:/cvsroot/eflite; cvs get eflite

BAD (cuts end of sentences): flite-1.4 + eflite-cvs
WORKS OK: eflite-1.3 + alsa patch + eflite-cvs

On the other hand it has nothing common with flite. why?
$ ./flite-1.4-release/bin/flite ./flite-1.4-release/doc/alice # DOES NOT cut end of sentences while speaking.

My idea (I was not right): problem is related to speech rate
modifications that is performed by `dtk-set-rate' in
emacspeak-tts-startup-hook @ emacspeak-setup.el file, but after
commenting this line, except that emacspeak has slowed down its speech
rate, nothing else happened.

I am stuck.

I am using:
emacspeak 33.0 Revision 6643:6645
GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.4)

pulseaudio is not present in my system.

To start emacs I do:
$ env DTK_PROGRAM=~/eflite-cvs.flite.1.4.static /usr/local/bin/emacspeak

~/.emacs is not present in the system:
$ ls ~/.emacs
ls: cannot access /home/user/.emacs: No such file or directory

best regards,

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