ChromeVox was announced recently by T.V. Raman and his colleagues at Google. As appears from the source code, there is support for using an Emacspeak speech server as the TTS engine, thanks to Charles Chen. I have checked out the svn repository: and installed the latest Chromium package available in Debian, version 12.0.742.91~r87961-1 To use an Emacspeak speech server, it needs an instance of listening on localhost:8000, which I now have working, I think. (I'm using the dtk-exp server currently). What isn't clear at the moment is how to set up ChromeVox so that when Chromium starts, it will be executed as an extension. Chromium itself, apparently, doesn't support the Gnome accessibility API yet, so the installation will have to be done, preferably, without invoking the Chromium UI. I'm hoping that I can either run it from the checked out svn repository, or install updated versions easily in Chromium after running svn update to fetch the latest code. I plan to keep investigating this, but I thought I'd open up the discussion on the list as well, since others are likely to be interested. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help".
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