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issues with the latest svn

Hello all,

I just updated my installation to 34.0 rev. 7364 from an old svn version
33.0 rev. 7018.  I have noticed a few issues.

1.  (emacspeak-play-emacspeak-startup-icon is not being honored.  I have
it set to nil and it still plays.  Prior to upgrading I did not have it
set at all and it did not play.

2.  Speech is garbled on startup.  It sounds like the speech rate for
outloud is set to something over 200.  I have 3 places where rate occurs
in my .emacs file, 1 to set the espeak default speech rate to 300, 1 to
set the outloud default speech rate to 100, and one at the end of the
file that explicitly runs (dtk-set-rate 100 4).  The last one fixes the
problem of the garbled speech.

3.  At some point in the distant past I had included the command
tts-restart at the end of my .emacs file.  I find this is no longer
necessary.  I don't even now remember what it was there for but I needed
it to fix another issue.

Is anyone else seeing these problems?

Best regards,

Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx

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