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Re: accessible search

I've only used google search recently with Firefox in Windows or
Linux.  I used elinks in the past but that was before the redesign of
google and the autocompletion crap.  I think because of the auto
completion stuff, javascript has probably got to be all over the
place.  When I do pull up result pages - even with the newest format,
I usually use the structural navigation keys like 'h' to jump from one
search to the next.  That's why I like using Firefox instead of the
text browsers.

One other note: I didn't know google was tabling any of the results
but in general, I never use linearization of links or tables.  I much
prefer to be able to navigate around inside browser tables with the
table navigation keys, once again, in graphical browsers only.

On 11/10/11, Robert D. Crawford <robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello all,
> A while before I upgraded my emacspeak installation I got a message when
> trying to use google accessible search (C-e ? a) that it required
> javascript.  I gave up on it.  Then, after I updated it started working
> again.  Happy days.  Now, today, it gives me the javascript required
> page again.  Has anyone else seen this and is there some sort of
> workaround?  Is everyone using linearize-tables on google's redesigned
> results?
> Thanks for any advice,
> rdc
> --
> Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx
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