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Re: accessible search

"T. V. Raman" <tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Update from svn again, the emacspeak template was missing a
> nojs=1 query param.

Many thanks.  This update also seems to have fixed the garbled speech
issue.  I still heard the emacspeak.mp3 sound at startup.  Not a big
deal, though.  As concerns speech, I have to explicitly set the default
speech rate outside of customize to get it to take effect.  If not set
like so:

(dtk-set-rate 100 4)

The speech at startup is very slow.  Maybe 50.  If I check the value of
the outloud-default-speech-rate it is 100.  Restarting the server does
not seem to make the speech rate take effect, only resetting it via C-u
C-e d r.  After setting it in this fashion, resetting it via C-e C-s
keeps the value and rate.

Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx

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