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Compilation of espeak server for emacspeak35 on Debian Squeeze

Hi, all,

I'm running into trouble when I attempt to install Emacspeak from
source on my Debian Squeeze installation.  I've grabbed the source
packages from svn after installing Emacs 23.2, running apt-get
build-dep emacspeak, and installing tcl8.4 and tclx8.4.  I then run
the different make commands to build and install emacspeak.  Then,
when I go in to the servers subdirectory and go ingo the linux-espeak
directory within it, I hit a brick wall when I run make and make

The g++ compiler seems to encounter errors at every turn.  I don't
think tclx is running properly to judge from the error messages.
That, or I'm missing a component.  I didn't have a problem when I
installed emacspeak 34 from source and compiled the espeak server on
Ubuntu 11.04.  In Squeeze, though, things are not as smooth.  Anyone
else run into this problem?

I did try and run Emacspeak after typing export DTK_PROGRAM=espeak
when I noticed that there's an espeak already in the servers directory
and found that it appears in the servers list after typing c-e -d-d
but running it gives me the error you get when it is trying to run
dectalk.  It says that the speaker is not running or some such thing.
Speakup is a poor substitute for a properly working Emacspeak so, I'd
like to see what can be done in order to bring this about.

Any assistance greatly appreciated.
Alex M

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