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Re: remote into emacspeak session running on a mac


You'll probably need to create an ssh-mac  a la ssh-outloud --
send it along and I'll check it in:-)

>>>>> "David" == David Tseng <davidtseng@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    >> What is the exact procedure to do this?
    David> Have a look at the source :).
    >> What is required software on the host and the remote host
    >> computer?
    David> Emacspeak on both machines.
    David> how would one accomplish this
    >> in Linux?
    David> Check out ssh-outloud (or your linux speech server of
    David> choice). The idea is that you want to, from your Mac,
    David> run an ssh session that starts the speech server on
    David> your local linux box. Just read through ssh-* to
    David> understand it. I've only had occasion/need to remote
    David> mac to mac, but the same code paths apply though I had
    David> to do some custom hacking due to password requirements
    David> on my end (which I prompt for on startup).
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