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Comparing the responsiveness of espeak and Outloud


I'm running Arch Linux inside a virtual machine. I have emacspeak 34.0 with both the espeak and Outloud servers compiled and working. Both servers work well, the only problem is that the outloud server seems to be less responsive than espeak, especially when trying to stop speech. It's often the case that when stopping outloud an extra couple of sylabuls will be spoken. I know this doesn't sound like much but if you cursor through lines very quickly it can get to be a long way behind.

I did some experimenting by running the outloud server directly, queueing some speech with the q command, speaking it with d and stopping it with s. as above there was a very obvious delay in stopping, where as with espeak there is not. Whilst doing this I realised that every time I got it to speak something the server printed numerous messages of the form
Underrun!!! (at least ... ms too long)
(for varying values of ...).

Presumably this shouldn't happen.

I would really appreciate it if someone who understands the workings of the server could please tell me if the slow stopping and the underrun issues are the same problem or different and if there is anything I can do about the slow stopping problem.

Many thanks


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