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re: emacspeak espeak newbie

Probably Liz is installing on a platform other than Debian since to my 
knowledge Debian is the only platform that includes and runs the 
emacspeak-config script that allows installers to choose their speech 
server.  I have emacspeak 34 installed on archlinux and because 
emacspeak-config wasn't run emacspeak can't find either the eflite or 
espeak servers running on this machine.  Slackware has an identical 
problem even with a full installation of it which puts tclx on the system 
and installation of espeak and portaudio latest versions emacspeak without 
the emacspeak-config script will not come up with a server in that 
instance either.  The only way I ever got emacspeak working on slackware 
was using the litetalk for my server and the emacspeak-ss-1.9.1 scripts.

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