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Adding info pages and making them visible from main directory

Solution for this was buried inside the info pages for INFO, under Expert Commands (or something similar) and also on these two pages:



Briefly (one way to do this):
1. Add the dir with your info pages to environment variable INFOPATH, and make sure you end with a colon `:' which tells info to also include the standard paths (/usr/share/info/ etc.).
2. Run the `install-info' command in the shell:

    install-info <node-to-add> <path-to-dir-file>

The path to your dir file, which is the upper most node in info can be found inside emacs info (C-h i) by trying to visit a file (C-x C-f) which will display the path to the dir file in the mini buffer. You need root to alter the dir file.

There are more sophisticated options available also, such as having your own ~/info/ dir for your user-spespecific pages, all explained in the wiki pages. I found it necessary to end INFOPATH with a colon character else all the other info pages didn't show up in the topmost node (dir).

All in all, text info system is getting a new meaning and value to me. I must admit that the past almost 13 years now that I've been dabbling in *nix systems I've always viewed info as man's fussy and troublesome sister, like I viewed emacs vs. vim. Emacspeak is changing this for me.

Part of the problem is also the initial barrier to entry when you have to learn info shortcut keys, coming from a vim background.


Kerneels Roos
Cell: +27 (0)79 696 6038
Skype: cornelis.roos

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