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url-template and xpath

I'm trying to get url-template & xpath filtering working with emacspeak w3m and could use some help please.

With an open w3m page, I think typing e.g., 'x f' followed by '//form'  should find and speak only the form elements of that page. Is this correct.? Similarly, 'x f' followed by '//h3' should only show level 3 headers. Instead the original page is shown as is, with the following error message:

  Error in post-command-hook: (void-function emacspeak-speak-messages) [5 times]

Am I using this the right way? Is this error message relevant? Can someone show me a concrete example of how to use this properly?

I've also tried using url-template and Google Hits but just get a w3m page with a single Location: line and no content.

Both emacspeak 36 & dev versions do the same thing.

These functions look really useful and I'd be grateful for some help to get them working.


Les Smithson

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