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Re: Small patch to make speaking time responsive


There must be another reason then that it isn't working with the mac
speech server.

I'll dig deeper into the debug from the speech server.

Any ideas on why dtk-toggle-debug isn't working for me?

Kind regards

"T.V. Raman" <tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Bart -- you should not need the additional (dtk-stop) call.
> Reason:  Look at function dtk-speak --- it *always* calls
> dtk-stop-immediately -- unless you bind it to nil.
> That variable is set to default by t, and  command
> emacspeak-speak-time does nto let bind that variable.
> On 1/4/13, Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I had noticed that if some text was being spoken that using c-e c-t to
>> speak the time could wait for the current utterance to complete before
>> the speech was interupted.  I find this mildly annoying.
>> I simply inserted a call to dtk-stop prior to the call to dtk-speak in
>> emacspeak-speak-time.
>> I'm not sure if this is the correct approach but it certainly works for
>> me.
>> Patch attached for what it's worth.

Kind regards


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