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Re: advising org-agenda-filter-by-category

I saw a similar behaviour in agendas running Emacs 23 and Emacspeak 33,
but agendas read fine for me now in Emacs 24 and Emacspeak 37. I still
have the problem in plain org files though. It's somewhat intermittent,
but it happens fairly frequently. A common use case is that when in an
.org file, I'll use a-s-> to jump to the end of a file and then the up
arrow key to start moving through I file. I won't hear anything for a
few lines until I remember to use c-a to jump back to the beginning of
the line.

Let me see if I can come up with a simple .org file and reproduce this

On 09/01/13 17:06, Bart Bunting wrote:
> Hi Christopher,
> I can't reproduce this with my current setup.
> Is this in a plane org file or the agenda?
> Can you give an example?
>  Kind regards
> Bart
> Christopher Chaltain <chaltain@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Wow, great!
>> On a related point, I've noticed that if my cursor isn't at the
>> beginning of the line, I may not hear anything in org-mode as I arrow up
>> and down the screen. I recently updated one of my systems to Emacs 24
>> and Emacspeak 37, and I still see this behaviour. The work around is
>> just to use c-a to get back to the beginning of the line, but I was
>> wondering if there was something else I could do to change this.
>> On 09/01/13 16:24, Bart Bunting wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying to improve emacspeak feedback for org-mode.
>>> I'm starting simple and hopefully working up to some more complex
>>> interactions.
>>> As a test I've advised org-agenda-filter-by-category.
>>> The questions I have are:
>>> - Is there any sort of style guide when it comes to what sort of
>>>   auditory icons should be used for various actions.
>>> I've picked two that sounded likely but with no real rhyme or reason.
>>> org-agenda-filter-by-category filters the current org agenda view by
>>> category.  All other items are hiden or revealed as it's toggled. 
>>> I use a different auditory icon depending if content is hidden or
>>> revealed.  Then get emacspeak to speak the current line.
>>> I'm not sure if speaking the line is necessary as point never moves.
>>> (defadvice org-agenda-filter-by-category (around emacspeak pre act comp)
>>>   "Provide auditory feedback."
>>> 					;  (emacspeak-auditory-icon 'close-object)
>>>   (if (and org-agenda-filtered-by-category
>>> 	   org-agenda-category-filter)
>>>       (emacspeak-auditory-icon 'close-object)
>>>     (emacspeak-auditory-icon 'select-object))
>>>   ad-do-it
>>>   (emacspeak-speak-line))
>>> Kind regards
>>> Bart
>> -- 
>> Christopher (CJ)
>> chaltain at Gmail
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> Bart

Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at Gmail

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