Hi: I'm trying to control the speech volume of emacspeak using pulseaudio. I'm doing this because I want to control the levels of various pulseaudio playback streams independently of each other. I'm able to set the level of just emacspeak using pacmd, but the adjustment only lasts for the current utterance. That is, from a terminal within emacs, if I issue a pacmd . to set the level for the tcl playback stream, it only lasts to the next command I enter, then its reset to its original level. I don't want to set the sink level, as this would set the volume for all playback streams, not just emacs. Any ideas why emacspeak does this? I guess the culprit might be the outloud server resetting the level whenever it speaks. Is there a way of controlling this? According to pacmd outloud is using the pulseaudio alsa plugin. Emacs version 23.3, emacspeak 36.0. Voxin TTS. Ubuntu 11.10. Thanks for any help. -- Les Smithson ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help".
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