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Re: Emacspeak 37 Fails to Build on ArchLinux

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 05:47:03PM +1100, Jason White wrote:
> Which version of makeinfo is installed?

5.1; that is the version of makeinfo itself and of the texinfo package
fromwhence the program came.

> I just built the latest Emacspeak from svn with makeinfo 4.13a.dfsg.1-10 (a
> Debian package version).

Well, I was doing the strait version 37; I could try SVN version but
that still doesn't explain the cause of the error.  I saw something in
the messages about a return code being too high or something.  The
contents aren't clear to me and I have done nothing to the original
source package itself.

Any other ideas?

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