Hi, So I've seen a few posts on this in the list archives. Basically I want a way to access Linux under android, and it seems that will only be possible with emacs and emacspeak. I've used complete linux installer to run debian linux on my device. It seems the way it works is by using the terminal emulator to ssh into the actual linux machine. Since terminal emulator wasn't accessible with talk back to me it seems kind of pointless. The only success I had controlling the debian running on the phone was by ssh from my laptop into the debian running on the phone. Great so Linux seems to work ok. However, from what I understand there is no means to get audio working from debian. As I understand from list archives it appears that emacspeak must then use the android tts to overcome this problem. So some questions: 1. Is using this method of running linux appropriate for eventually get emacs/emacspeak to work? 2. What is now required to get emacspeak talking within that Linux? As I understand I need the android emacspeak tts server - how to build/obtain this? 3. In general is the only way to access linux on android going to be through emacspeak? Ideally I just wanted to have access to basic command line Linux apps, so I presume that since we can't get audio from our linux running on phone I'll just have to use emacs to run everything using emacspeak, which is fine. 4. Anyone know of an accessible terminal emulator, might make life easier? Thanks for any tips on this one. Cheers, Daniel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help".
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