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emacspeak bookshare and chromevox?

Shouldn't be too hard -- set up your browse-url-browser-function
appropriately, see what breaks, then hack it from there.  Note
that Bookshare also has a chrome based epub reder that you could
use if you like reading in ChromeVox.
>>>>> "Bart" == Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Bart> Good morning, Would it be possible and if so how
    Bart> difficult, to get emacspeak-bookshare to use chrome and
    Bart> chromevox rather than w3 to do the rendering of
    Bart> bookshare books?
    Bart> Kind regards
    Bart> Bart --
    Bart> Kind regards
    Bart> Bart
    Bart> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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