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Re: Blind software engineers, specifically UML

Hello Pascal, Daniel, and list, 

I am not a computer professional, having earned my living from
physiotherapy and latterly, transcribing, but my experience may be
relevant to Daniel's situation. 

I thought Pascal related the place of graphical interfaces very well.
I came to the conclusion early on that we vision-impaired people who
relate to computers via speech syntesis are far better off using
text-based systems when available.  

If we use graphical interfaces, whether Daniel's UML diagrams or a gui
desktop, we have to attempt to contstruct the graphical interface in
our minds, attempt to input our needs into it, and then figure out the
visual rules for manipulating it.  This all involves wasted brain
processing, as compared to a linear text interface.  

Put another way, speech synthesis is basically a one-dimensional
modality, as are text-based modalities, whereas GUI tools are
two-dimensional modalities which do not fit well with speech. 

I think many vision-impaired people ask the wrong question:  they ask
how can we emulate the methods of sighted people to do jobs, when a
better question would be, how can we do that same job efficiently?  

All the above explains why I use emacspeak as first choice when
presented with a problem. 


Pascal J. Bourguignon writes:
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