To build on what Pascal and Alex have said on this thread: UML in itself -- or more specifically, its common manifestation in terms of ovals and circles and arrows is a complete distraction in so far as learning the underlying concepts are concerned. The commonly seen representation of UML is nothing more than a visual notation -- learning the notation will not make one a software engineer in any sense. As far as learning such material when you cannot see is concerned: 1. Focus on your goal of learning the underlying concepts. 2. Ask what role the notation plays at each stage. A: Learning the concepts: At this stage the UML notation will only get in your way, you'll probably do better following Pascal and Alex's suggestions. B: Learn the notation: You will eventually need to communicate with others who are used to the commonly used notation; this is when you'll need to be able to produce your own output -- that's when you'll benefit from learning one or other markup representation for producing good visuals. Finally: nothing will turn your UML into working software; you'll need to learn to write code -- so eventually these things fall by the way-side. There are some excellent books that teach you the underlying software engineering concepts -- e.g. "Design Patterns" that are worth focusing on. -- Best Regards, --raman ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help".
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