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installing binaries under /usr/share?

This is likely more work that it is worth for a package like
Emacspeak -- if you do this, then make uninstall will have to
carefully clean up in multiple places.

There used to be a good reason to separate out arch-dependent
files to a separate directory at a time /usr/share was shared
among multiple operating systems; no one does that type of
sharing anymore --  
>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Brannon <chris@xxxxxxxxxxx-brannons.com> writes:
    Chris> In emacspeak, the default location for speech servers
    Chris> is under /usr/share. This includes the binary speech
    Chris> servers, such as espeak and viavoice. According to the
    Chris> FHS, only architecture-independent files belong under
    Chris> /usr/share. Really, the architecture-dependent binary
    Chris> files probably belong somewhere like
    Chris> /usr/lib/emacspeak instead. Ideally, we should be able
    Chris> to specify the location of servers at build-time. May
    Chris> I send a patch for emacspeak to do this?
    Chris> -- Chris
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