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Speech server - questions about the dispatch algorithm

Lubos, Jarek's explanation is correct, hope you worked around
your issue.

Note that emacspeak produces a rapid sequence of commands based
on user action; the protocol is designed to keep things


On 10/3/13, Jarek Czekalski <jarekczek@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Lubos,
> Since I worked a bit on espeak server recently, I'll try to answer your
> question.
> Seems like you don't respect the following statement from the
> documentation:
> "This is a non-blocking operation, i.e., if the client application
> generates additional requests, these are processed /immediately/."
> http://emacspeak.sourceforge.net/info/html/TTS-Servers.html#TTS-Servers
> Look at service proc in espeak file. If something appears at the input,
> the loop breaks and it is processed. I believe this happens during the
> speech of previous commands. There is also queue_clear command in
> tts-lib.tcl, which is invoked only at "s" or "reset" commands. So I
> gather that adding something to the queue should not clear queue.
> It looks like you implement emacspeak on Windows. I was doing the same
> and I intend to publish binaries in a few days. This is using espeak. I
> thought that implementing sapi should be the next step, as it could be a
> bit more difficult. But I like the Microsoft voices better than espeak,
> so I second your attempts.
> Regards
> Jarek
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