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Re: emacspeak for windows

Alastar, thanks for your feedback. I'm glad it works for you.

Finishing the things on Sunday made me somewhat tired. Right after I sent out the announcement I noticed the typo in Emacs version. I thought it would not be serious because there is right Emacs version given in readme, visible on the first installation page. I am sorry for that mistake.

Alastar, since there is a note "Suggested version: 24.3" in readme, do you think it's necessary to change it to something more obliging?

I added the ticket in emacspeakwin about shortcuts. Indeed, nsis installer provides the opportunity. However I don't like shortcuts without icons. If anyone has a suggestion or a ready file for the icon, please show it. I know that some of us don't see the icon, but they still may like to have a nice desktop :)


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