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Re: Speech Server Problem on Mac

OK, I got speech finally but the server is a train wreck now. First, I will explain what I had to do in my homebrew environment to resolve the pysox problem. I found that even after reinstalling flac and sox, that the flac package installed libFLAC.8.dylib and pysox kept looking for libFLAC.8.2.0.dylib. So I monkeyed up by creating a symlink of libFLAC.8.2.0.dylib to point to the current libFLAC.8.dylib. I suppose the flac package should be corrected some how. But I figured little harm could come from trying this. the import of pysox works from a python shell so I gave it a go. ./mac does work now in stand-alone tests.

But when I start up emacs, emacspeak loads fine and begins to talk but then the speech server keeps crashing! It seems like certain punctuation characters or some long text will kill speech constantly. I can restart speech by pressing c-e c-s but then speech seems short lived. Strangely, I can read through the entire *message* buffer without losing speech and in there I would encounter many occurrences of "Process speaker not running" following points where speech died. Also, when speech dies in emacs, I lose speech from VoiceOver in all other apps. If I restart emacspeak speech then I can command-tab to other apps and speech is then OK.

I know my version of emacspeak is a bit old right now but I can't even get the version spoken because speech dies every time I try c-e V.

Any ideas on what could be wrong with my speech server? My next thing will be to see if I can fetch the newest emacspeak from svn and give this another go. this used to work on my machine but that was before upgrading some of the command line stuff in home-brew.

On Oct 16, 2013, at 7:55 AM, Koichi INOUE <inoue@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> From the stacktrace, it seems that flac library file to which your sox
> depends on is removed by brew cleanup.  Your system may have newer
> version of flac but it is no longer referenced by sox library.
> This is common thing using Homebrew, because Homebrew does not maintain
> linkage between libraries.
> You will need to
> 1. Reinstall sox by "brew reinstall sox". Now you have sox installation
> which is linked to newer flac library.
> 2. If the problem persists, also reinstall pysox
> Best regards.
> Steve Holmes <steve@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Is there a way to get this going without having to use pyrex or pysox? As I stated in another thread, I can't seem to import these even in a stand-alone python shell and I have them supposedly installed. I used easy_install to put them in and the output looked successful. But ./mac craps out totally as follows. 
>> Script started on Tue Oct 15 22:13:34 2013
>> [?1034hbash-3.2$ ./mac
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "./mac", line 11, in <module>
>>    import pysox
>>  File "build/bdist.macosx-10.8-intel/egg/pysox/__init__.py", line 60, in <module>
>>  File "build/bdist.macosx-10.8-intel/egg/pysox/sox.py", line 7, in <module>
>>  File "build/bdist.macosx-10.8-intel/egg/pysox/sox.py", line 6, in __bootstrap__
>> ImportError: dlopen(/Users/steve/.python-eggs/pysox-0.3.6.alpha-py2.7-macosx-10.8-intel.egg-tmp/pysox/sox.so, 2): Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libFLAC.8.2.0.dylib
>>  Referenced from: /usr/local/lib/libsox.2.dylib
>>  Reason: image not found
>> bash-3.2$ exit
>> exit
>> Script done on Tue Oct 15 22:14:10 2013
>> On Oct 7, 2013, at 8:24 PM, David Tseng <davidtseng@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Tim,
>>> Thanks for the kind words.
>>> As for playing around, I would recommend checking out the py sox support. I explicitly exclude that particular code path for systems that don't have it installed since it can be tricky to get the underlying python module working, but once installed, the server should just pick it up.
>>> In the selftest, I demonstrate a few of the things I felt would make the listening experience really shine. It's pretty easy to go overboard here, but some of the demos shown (like panning, echo, reverb, flanger, phaser, etc) could be used to give a subtle effect for very specific aural mappings.
>>> As for multiple voices, the best way to play around with that at least to start with is with ChromeVox or VoiceOver since they both offer a simple way to try on a large set of UI's without doing much fiddling. Just make a change in either of their options/settings pages.
>>> - David
>>> On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Tim,
>>> Thanks also for the kind words.
>>> I would be interested to hear your experiences with the mac speech
>>> server.
>>> I know there are still a few rough edges and bits especially with
>>> voicification values that can be tweaked.
>>> There is quite a limited set of options available with the mac voices
>>> with regards to speech parameters  that we can use.  Limited to volume,
>>> pitch and intonation which doesn't do much.
>>> The newer mac voices have even less nobs to twist.
>>> David and I have experimented with sox support to use that as a way of
>>> post processing sound to try and add more variation in speech.  It can
>>> be fiddly to get installed and working on mac though.
>>> I am currently not really using that option but might be interested in
>>> trying to get it working better again.
>>> The other thing I have done wich I find helpful is to install many of
>>> the optional mac voices and then customize emacspeak to use them for
>>> certain things e.g. dired etc.
>>> This is a personal thing though and it depends on which voices you have
>>> installed and which ones you like.
>>> Anyway sorry for the ramble, just thought some background info may have
>>> been helpful.
>>> Kind regards
>>> Bart
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