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Re: ems-interactive-p, a bug in call-interactively-p?

In general do not use defmacro unless you know what you're doing.

General rule of thumb: 

Use defmacro to define new language constructs AKA  special-forms
--- using it in other instances usually leads to unforeseen
errors in the future.

>>>>> "Jarek" == Jarek Czekalski <jarekczek@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Jarek> Thank you again, Dmitri. My first glance at defmacro a
    Jarek> few days ago didn't reveal the right way to use it,
    Jarek> *with the apostrophe*. Now I confirm it works. Good to
    Jarek> have an elisp wizard listening :)
    Jarek> Jarek
    Jarek> W dniu 2013-10-18 22:58, Dmitri Paduchikh pisze:
    >> (...) Well, if you want you can replace defsubst with
    >> defmacro like this:
    >> (defmacro ems-interactive-p () '(called-interactively-p
    >> 'interactive))
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