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Re: Emacspeak doesn't read echo area?

As implemented by advice in emacs 24 (and this changed in 24
because the advice implementation in emacs changed)  not all
raised signals are equal -- and it turns out that some feedback
has regressed. Please continue reporting these succinctly -- it's
going to be a balance between producing relevant output, while
not producing too much chatter.
>>>>> "Jarek" == Jarek Czekalski <jarekczek@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Jarek> Just installed Emacspeak from source on Ubuntu
    Jarek> 13.04. Emacs 23.4. <F6> undefined is not
    Jarek> spoken. Buffer read only - yes.
    Jarek> I made it to have emacspeak-speak-errors t by
    Jarek> default. So it seems like this does not enable the
    Jarek> message. Anyone able to hear the message "undefined"
    Jarek> after pressing unbound key?
    Jarek> Jarek
    Jarek> W dniu 2013-10-25 16:04, T. V. Raman pisze:
    >> emacspeak sets emacspeak-speak-errors to nil by default --
    >> turn on that option if you want to hear that message.
    Jarek> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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