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Re: patch: fix undo doing only one step

Thanks for the pointer. Do you know when that macro was introduced?
>>>>> "Dmitri" == Dmitri Paduchikh <dpaduchikh@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Dmitri> There is a special macro with-silent-modifications
    Dmitri> intended for temporary changes in a buffer. It takes
    Dmitri> into account such things as buffer-undo-list,
    Dmitri> deactivate-mark, buffer-file-name,
    Dmitri> buffer-file-truename, and so on. The buffer file
    Dmitri> name, for example, needs to be rebound to nil since
    Dmitri> otherwise Emacs will check changes in file and will
    Dmitri> ask for confirmation before doing the modifications
    Dmitri> if the changes have been found.
    Dmitri> T. V. Raman wrote:
    >> Thanks for spotting that. The fix actually belonged in
    >> macro ems-set-personality-temporarily -- it's checked in
    >> now.
    Dmitri> -- With best regards Dmitri Paduchikh
    Dmitri> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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