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Dired listing switches

you're right, we dont need the -a -- will fix 
>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Tim> Hi Raman, I noticed that in emacspeak-dired.el, there is
    Tim> code to force dired-listing-switches to include -al. I'm
    Tim> wondering if perhaps this should be changed or removed
    Tim> as it prevents customization of that switch.
    Tim> Dired requires at a minimum that it includes the -l
    Tim> switch. I don't believe the -a switch is mandatory. I
    Tim> prefer to have my dired listings only include the -l
    Tim> switch. If I need a full listing, I can supply the -a by
    Tim> using a prefix argument when calling dired.
    Tim> As the default includes -al, I'm wondering if either we
    Tim> should just remove this bit of code and not try to
    Tim> change it, or perhaps just ensure that as a minimum, it
    Tim> has the -l switch.
    Tim> What do you think?
    Tim> Tim
    Tim> -- Tim Cross

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