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[EMACSPEAK The Complete Audio Desktop] Managing And Accessing Feeds On The Emacspeak Audio Desktop

Managing And Accessing Feeds On The Emacspeak Audio Desktop

1 Managing And Accessing Feeds On The Emacspeak Audio Desktop

1.1 Summary

Feature emacspeak-feeds enables rapid access to managing and accessing Atom, RSS and OPML feeds. Feeds can be browsed from a dedicated buffer, or accessed via minibuffer completion for oft-accessed feeds. Feeds are stored as a user customizable option, and can be added and deleted either via Emacs' customize interface or directly via interactive Emacs commands.

1.2 How It Works

The list of subscribed feeds is stored in variable emacspeak-feeds which is managed via Emacs' customize interface. Each entry this list contains a label for the feed, the feed URL, and the type of the feed (rss_, atom, or opml).

Interactive command emacspeak-webspace-feed-reader opens a buffer containing the list of subscribed feeds; feeds can be opened by pressing enter on the relevant feed.

Oft-accessed feeds can be opened directly via command emacspeak-feed-browse bound to C-e C-u — this command prompts for a feed label with minibuffer completion.

Feeds can be added or deleted by customizing emacspeak-feeds via Emacs' M-x customize-variable — bound by default in emacspeak to C-h V. Alternatively, interactive command emacspeak-feed-add-feed bound to C-e M-u can be used to subscribe to feeds. Note that both methods result in the subscribed feed being stored in emacspeak-feeds.

Date: <2013-12-29 Sun>

Author: T.V Raman

Created: 2013-12-29 Sun 08:34

Emacs (Org mode 8.2.3a)


Posted By T. V. Raman to EMACSPEAK The Complete Audio Desktop at 12/29/2013 08:35:00 AM

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