I ahve noticed the same on both OSX and Linux.
As soon as you run M-x calendar, this problem goes away.
I’ve not had time to look at the exact cause, but suspect that something in emacspeak-package.el is relying on definitions in calendar.el which are not loaded if you haven’t run calendar yet. Many people use calendar and diary and likely have it hooked into org-mode, so may not see this issue as the necessary calendar stuff is probably getting loaded at startup and prior to running package-list-packages.
Tim Cross
IT Security ManagerInformation Technology Directorate
University of New England
Armidale N.S.W. 2351 Australia
On 11 May 2015, at 12:34 pm, Victor Tsaran <vtsaran@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi.I've noticed that every time I run the "list-packages" command with the latest Emacspeak in Emacs 24.5 on Mac OS X, I get the following message when arrowing up and down between the packages:"symbol's function definition is void: calendar-date-string". However, as soon as I initialize the Emacs Calendar by running m-x calendar and then quitting it, the error disappears.
Anyone noticed this behavior with their installation of Emacspeak?
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