Hi Victor,we probably need a bit more info as there are different ways of doing this.Can you clarify - are you using emacs custom to set these values or have you created entries manually in your emacs init file to customize emacs settings?I'm assuming you have a line in your .emacs file to load the emacspeak startup stuff - is this at the beginning of your .emacs file?Is this with all emacspeak settings or just some?If you restart the server with C-e C-s, do your settings take effect?Tim--On 9 June 2015 at 16:40, Victor Tsaran <vtsaran@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi.I've noticed the below behavior since I started running from the git repository, but didn't want to ask here before looking around. Unfortunately, I did not find any answer, so am posting here...After making the Emacspeak-relatedcustomizations, which are saved in my .emacs file, every time I start Emacs with Emacspeak, the latter ignores Emacspeak-related values from . emacs and reverts to the default ones. For example, if I set my Mac speech rate to 550, Emacspeak reverts to the default one (225) upon startup.I know that my .emacs is in good condition because other values are loaded with no problems.Where else can I look to troubleshoot this?Thanks,Victorregards,Tim--Tim Cross
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