Hi again,
Recently I've noticed that when I view an elisp file emacspeak is
reading out the function signatures when I move over them.
Whilst this is at times helpful it hinders the reading of code when they
are constantly read.
For example when inside a multy line defun emacspeak appears to keep
reading the defun signature as I arrow down through the defun.
I've tried cutting out large parts of my init.el, removing all packages
The behaviour appears to happen with a straight load of only emacspeak.
I'm not sure if I've done something odd to cause this to start
happening, if it's a feature of emacspeak or something changed in emacs.
Can anyone enlighten me as to where it is comeing from? I thought at
first it may have been company mode but I don't even have that installed
any more.
It's driving me nuts :).
Kind regards
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