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Google search question.

Dear All,

Greetings. I have a question which may not be appropriate for this
list, but I am not certain where else to ask. If anyone has any
solutions or suggestions of where better to ask, I would greatly
appreciate it. I am a heavy emacspeak user, though I know/understand
very little about its internals. I use emacs-w3m as my browser of
choice, unless javascript issues force me to use firefox via orca. A
couple of days ago, google searches through emacs-w3m began yielding
strange results. It seems as if much redirection is taking place.
Emacspeak's output is a stream of interrupted URL's. After several
minutes, the redirections stop, and the final page begins something
like this:

Cannot retrieve URL:

503 Service Unavailable

This is followed by a call to identify a CAPTCHA, an impossibility
either to ascertain via emacspeak or to submit via emacs-w3m. However,
if I will conduct a google search in firefox using orca, a results
page immediately appears. Does anyone have any idea what might be
going on? I am using ubuntu-14.04, emacs 24.3.1, emacspeak-38 as set
up through the voxin package, and emacs-w3m 1.4.527.

Thank you so much.

Hwaen Ch'uqi

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