I see that visual line movement came up as a topic of discussion again on the list. It's been brought up a few times. Would it make sense for emacspeak to set the value of line-move-visual to nil by default when it is loaded? Another default behavior I've found that could be problematic for emacspeak users is in ERC. By default when logging in and joining channels, ERC cycles through all of the channel buffers, visiting each one in turn and making it the active buffer. That's not too bad if you manually asked ERC to connect. It becomes a problem if you are disconnected and have auto-reconnect enabled. I'm typing away in a buffer. Could be anything. Code, a love letter, whatever. My IRC connection goes down, ERC autoreconnects, and all of a sudden I'm typing into the buffer of some IRC channel! It's easy to fix by customizing erc-join-buffer to the value 'bury Could we have that as a default for emacspeak? -- Chris
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