Hi all.
I don't know if this is important, but when I compiled emacspeak
I received some warnings.
In end of data:
emacspeak-apt-utils.el:213:1:Warning: the function
‘apt-utils-package-at’ is
not known to be defined.
In end of data:
emacspeak-company.el:132:1:Warning: the function
‘company-fetch-metadata’ is
not known to be defined.
In end of data:
emacspeak-dbus.el:228:1:Warning: the function ‘soundscape-update’
is not known
to be defined.
In end of data:
emacspeak-dismal.el:475:1:Warning: the following functions are not
known to be
defined: dismal-get-val, dismal-convert-cellexpr-to-string,
dismal-get-exp, dismal-display-current-cell-expr,
dis-backward-row, dis-forward-column, dis-backward-column,
In end of data:
emacspeak-ecb.el:276:1:Warning: the following functions are not
known to be
defined: tree-node->expandable, tree-node->expanded,
ecb-goto-window-methods, ecb-goto-window-directories,
ecb-goto-window-history, ecb-goto-window-sources
Am I doing something wrong?