I suspect this has been asked before but I apologise I can't find it. Our university has settled on ubuntu 16.04 as its standard release. I'm exploring switching from the fedora installations I've used for years. ubuntu 16.04 has emacs 24.5. I just tried making emacspeak on this and it failed when trying to load dom.el which appears to be a file introduced in emacs-25. If that's right it suggests there are other emacs-25 dependencies I'll need to work with and the best solution is an install from source of emacs-25.1. No problem if necessary but I thought I'd check with any other ubuntu 16.04 users to see how they track the HEAD emacspeak distribution. Any wisdom appreciated. thanks in advance Peter -- Peter Rayner Leader, Clean Air and Urban Landscapes NESP hub <http://www.nespurban.edu.au> room 343 <http://maps.unimelb.edu.au/parkville/building/200> School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, 3010, Vic, Australia tel: work: +61 (0)3 8344 9708; fax: +61 (0)3 8344 7761 mobile +61 402 752 379, skype: petermorag mail-to: prayner@xxxxxxxxxxx TWITTER: @raynerstrings google scholar profile <http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=H3up71wAAAAJ&hl=en>
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