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A relatively new user with a question or two

Hi all. I'm Devin, a newly full-time Linux convert, but a user of
Emacspeak for a year or so, off and on. My setup is: (to skip, isearch
for two C-j chars)
Acer Aspire 15-inch laptop with 8 gigs ram, 1 TB hard drive, all for
just $500--still can’t believe it.
Arch Linux, with all updated packages, Orca, LXDM, using Mate.
GNU Emacs 25.1.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.22.7)
 of 2017-02-07

So, I’ve gotten Voxin installed, working with Emacspeak, and even
managed to get the soundscapes working, after fiddling with the
customize buffer for it, setting the output device to alsa or pulse or
something. /dev/dsp doesn’t exist in this world. The more I learn about
emacs, the more I love, except:
Flyspell: I haven’t found a command to mark misspelled word as correct,
so things like Emacspeak, Voxin, Talkback, and TTS TTS all get marked as
wrong, when I know, with 97% assurance, that those words are correct.
Ispell: I can’t find a way to get to the completions list minibuffer
when I’m doing spell checking. Will I really have to remember all 15
corrections? And what shall I do if there are more? I changed the
default correction speak number from 10 to 15, just in case there is no
way to get all that in a list.
Mail mode: I can’t figure out which minor mode to use so that I can
italicize things, add links, all that. Org minor mode works with
headings, I’ve read, but I’ve /tried/ to use it for italics, but at
least when viewing the unsent mail, there is no voice-locking telling me
that /the supposedly italicized text/ is actually italicized.

Thanks for any help y’all can give. I’m steadily working my way through
the Emacs manual, and have read all of the Emacspeak manual. I’m
starting to use Emacs for a lot now, and almost never leave it, the only
reason I do is for heavy web browsing or viewing youtube videos. But all
in all, Emacs is a masterpiece program, and Emacspeak fits right into that.

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