Good morning! Emacs 25 and emacspeak 45 in a ubuntu/xenial text console... Started using erc the IRC subsystem recently and all working nicely except notifications. ISTM console session does not launch any kind of dbus notification listener, thus I get errors such as what follows. I have the dbus daemons for system and session both running. Error: (dbus-error "The name org.freedesktop.Notifications was not provided by any .service files") [2 times] I believe, for this to work emacs itself needs to be running some kind of notification listener and/or I need to reconfigure something but no clue what or how. Spent last few days googling and asking on the emacs IRC channel on freenode. Is anyone running erc and has this working somehow? Thanks -- Jerry Sievers e: gsievers19@xxxxxxxxxxx
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