This is of course up to taste, but I prefer to have a standard Emacs experience when using Emacspeak. In other words, I want to be able to have an experience which is very close to how it would be if I was not using Emacspeak.
I love my experience with Emacspeak because this is very true almost all the time, save a very few minor exceptions.
One of these exceptions is that when I'm using Emacspeak and I want to quit Emacs, I get prompted that there are additional processes, and I should confirm if I want to kill them.
Of course, i can set the variable `confirm-kill-processes' to `t', but then I'm afraid of exiting Emacs in the middle of it doing some important work in a process in the background.
It's just that whenever I want to quit Emacs, and there is only the `Speaker' process running, I wouldn't want to be prompted to kill it.
I wanted to submit a patch for this, but I thought I'd first ask two questions:
1) Is there a reason that Emacspeak is not already setting the `noquery' flag on the `Speaker' process?
2) If not, how do people feel about setting it now?
Of course, i can always just set it in my own init file, but if it improves other people's experience and it's a valid change, I would love to submit a patch and have it be part of everyone's experience.
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