The previous patch to the Mac speech server bug fixed a couple of the issues that I'm facing (thanks!), but but there are still some cases that a piece of text is not spoken. After a lot of testing and reading code, I finally put together a way to reproduce the issue.
Here is when this issue happens:
1. First, Emacspeak sends a batch of text that contains the `d' (dispatch) instruction
2. As the mac speech server starts speaking, Emacspeak sends the second batch, with another `d' instruction. In other words, this only happens when 1) the speech server is producing audio and 2) Emacspeak sends the next batch before speaking is completed.
Here is the test case. Copy and paste it into your Emacs scratch buffer, change the key to whatever works for you, and evaluate the code. When you press the key, you will hear the auditory icon, and no text. Feel free to play around with the `sit-for' instruction, remove it, or change the duration, to observe how this plays out in reality:
(global-set-key (kbd "H-[") #'(lambda()
(emacspeak-auditory-icon 'ellipses)
(process-send-string dtk-speaker-process "tts_sync_state all 0 0 1 600\nc { [{voice systemDefault}] }\nq {OVERVIEW }\nd\n")
(sit-for 0.05)
(process-send-string dtk-speaker-process "tts_sync_state all 0 0 1 600\nc { [{voice systemDefault}] }\nc { [[pbas 20]] [[pmod 84.6]] [{echo 1 1 70 0.3}] }\nq {* In-tray }\nc { [{voice systemDefault}] }\nc { [[pmod 28.2]] [{echo 1 1 20 0.2}] [[pbas 20]] [[pmod 84.6]] [{echo 1 1 70 0.3}] }\nq {:intray: }\nc { [{voice systemDefault}] }\nd\n")))
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please contact us.