I may send out a few "don't' send messages here" posts over the next few days from here, up until the Vassar site is correctly dealing with new posts and subscribe requests. Mostly for anyone reading via usenet but not subscribed.
In a few minutes you will get an email from the new emacspeak list. The domain is
emacspeak.org. So the message will come from
You do not need to confirm the welcome message.
After this initial move of the existing distribution list to the list's new home anyone subscribing or joining the list will need to do the standard "reply to this message to confirm" thing, but not for the initial move.
Of course should you wish to change the address I had for you, you will need to send "leave" or "unsubscribe" to
emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx from the old address and then "join" or "subscribe" from the new address. Same old, same old.
The welcome letter will have information on the new message archive and the developing old message archive. I have only done minimal work converting the old archive so far, there is time for that after the move.