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[Emacspeak] Re: Emacspeak announces capitalization even though dtk-caps is disabled

Alan Ghelardi via Emacspeak <emacspeak(a)emacspeak.org> writes:

> No problem. I'm gonna keep looking into that although, for now, after tweaking the var dtk-split-caps my experience is satisfactory.
> Just a question and I'm sorry if it sounds stupid: which backend Emacspeak utilizes by default, Espeak or Espeak-ng? Actually I have both installed
> but I thought that it was using Espeak-ng because when Emacspeak starts up, it says Espeak 1.50, which is the Espeak-ng's version. And when you
> say speech server are you referring to server/native-espeak/tclespeak.cpp? Is there documentation somewhere about how Emacspeak
> communicates with these speech servers?  

the best source of documentation is to just read the espeak and
tts-lib.tcl files. As these are script files, they are quite easy to
read and there are code comments.

There is also a 'log-espeak' pseudo server. Basically, it is a very
simple wrapper which takes the input from Emacspeak and sends it to a
log file as well as the espeak server. If you set your speech server to
be 'log-espeak', you will get a log file which shows the series of
commands Eamcspeak is sending to the speech server. With this and the
sources in the espeak and tts-lib.tcl files, you will quickly see how
simple the interface between Emacspeak and the speech servers is. Note
also that Tcl is a fairly simple language and easy to learn, but even if
you don't know it, provided you have some familiarity with writing
scripts, you will be able to understand it. 

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