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[Emacspeak] Re: Emacspeak announces capitalization even though dtk-caps is disabled

I was going through some of my org notes and found the below entry. Not sure how up to date it is and I don't even recall where I got the information from, but thought it might help a little re: your question about documentation.

Note: I'm experimenting with configuring my mail client to use org-mime to allow composing of messages using org-mode. If this message is badly formatted or cannot be read, let me know and I'll re-send it. There should also be an attachment which is the message as an org file.

Emacspeak Speech Server Documentation

Server specific API

Emacspeak uses server specific programs for each of the speech servers it supports. It is expected that these programs will support the commands outlined in this section. Note that this API assumes a TCL based server which is able to incorporate the API defined in the tts-li.tcl file. If the server is being implemented in some other language, it will also be necessary for it to implement the API as specified in tts-lib.tcl


proc tts_sync_state {punct capitalize allcaps splitcaps rate}


See the section of speech server modes for a description of the various modes.

  • punct: punctuation mode
  • capitalize: Capitalization mode
  • allcaps: Allcaps mode
  • splitcaps: split caps mode
  • rate: speech rate

Set the TTS state to the specified values for puntuation, capitalization, all caps mode, split caps mode and speech rate

proc queue_empty? {}

Predicate to test the state of the speech event queue. Return true if the queue is empty, false otherwise.

proc queue_nonempty? {}

Predicate to test the state of the speech event queue. Return true if the queue contains events yet to be processed, false otherwise.

proc queue_length {}

Returns the number of events in the speech queue waiting to be processed.

proc queue_clear {}

Clear all pending events from the speech queue.

proc q {{element ""}}


  • element: The event to be added to the queue. If none is provided, default to the empty element

Add a new event to the speech event queue. If the element is empty, nothing is added to the queue. The event is appended to the queue with a prefix of 's', indicating it is a speech event.

proc n {instrument note length {target 0} {step 5}}


  • instrument: Specify the instrument to be used
  • note: The note to play
  • length: The length of time to play the note
  • target: ?
  • step: ?

Add a muscial note event to the event queue. The event is prefixed with the letter 'n' to indicate it is a note event.

proc b {{pitch 523} {length 100} {repeat 1} {duration 50}}


  • pitch: The tone pitch to play
  • length: The duration of the tone. Defaults to 100 ms
  • repeat: Repeat count for the tone. Defualts to 1
  • duration: ?

Add a 'beep' event to the queue. The event is prefixed with the letter 'b' to indicate it is a beep event.

proc a {sound}


  • sound: The auditory sound icon

Add an auditory icon to the event queue.

proc queue_rewind {}

Reset the queue to the first element in the queue. This enables all queued events which have been added to the queue since the last time it was cleared to be reprocessed. Returns the element at the head of the queue if one exists. Returns the empty string if the queue is empty.

proc queue_retreat {{step 1}}


  • step: The number of elements to step backwards through the queue. Defaults to 1

Moves the head of the queue backwards by the numeber of events specified by the step argument or to the head of the event queue if there are less elements than specified by the step argument. Returns the element at the new queue location if one exists or the empty string if the queue is empty.

proc queue_advance {{step 1}}


  • step: The number of events to move

Moves the queue head forward by the number of elements in the queue. If thre are less elements forward in the queue than specified by the step argument, move the queue forward as far as possible. Returns the element at the new head of the queue.

  • Note: behavior when the queue is empty not well defined?

proc queue_remove {}

Returns the element at the current head of the event queue and moves the head of the queue forward by one element.

  • Note: Behavior for an empty queue not well defined?

proc queue_backup {}

Create a backup copy of the current event queue

proc queue_restore {}

Replace the current event queue with the contents of the backup queue

proc p {sound}


  • sound: The sound file to play

Play a sound over the server. This procedure uses the value of $tts(play) as the name of the executable file to use to play the sound. The procedure returns after calling speech_task

proc beep_initialize {}

Initialise the system to use the beep program if it is installed

proc beep {{freq 523} {length 100} {repeat 1} {delay 10}}


  • freq: Frequency of the beep to be played. Defaults to 523Hz
  • length: The length of time in milliseconds to play the beep. Defaults to 100ms
  • delay: Delay between repeats of the beep

Calls the beep program to play an uadible beep. Depends on the beep program being installed and the tTS being configured to use beep.

proc tts_selftest {}

A simple self test procedure that speaks the text "This is text $i" where $i is an idnex from 1 to 10.

proc which_os {}

Procedure which tries to determine what operating system the server is currently running on. Currently, returns one of the folowing values

  • DEC (for ULTRIX or OSF1)
  • Solaris
  • SunOS
  • Linux (Default returned if the procedure does not detect any of the others).

-Note: Depricatd?

proc which_port {{os Linux}}


  • os: The operating system. Possible values are DEC, Solaris, SunOS or Linux. Defaults to Linux if no argument provided

This procedure returns the serial port descriptor to use for devices such as the dectalk express. the procedure will use the value set in the environment variable DTK_PORT if defined. Otherwise it will return a default value based ont he operating system being used.

proc tts_setserial {}

Sets the serial port characteristics to support the attached TTS device and opens read and write streams to the device for use by the TTS server.

proc tts_initialize {}

Initializes the TTS server infrastructure to default values. This includes setting defaults for basic TTS modes, including split caps mode, capitalize mode, punctuation mode and all caps beep mode. It also initializes the event and backup queue and the program to use to play sound files.

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