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[Emacspeak] Re: emacspeak under WSL-G

Just wondering what are the 30% frustrations you have with Linux?
Personally, I've always found it around the other way, but more like 70%
when using Windows.

I've only used the WSL stuff for a bit of experimentation. I did find it
was lacking in a few areas relating to Graphics and performance.

If you do spend 70% of your time in Linux, it may be better to see if we
can resolve the 30% frustration rather than switch over to running Linux
under a virtual on windows.

Depending on what it is you are frustrated by, it is likely macOS would
be better than WSL. Especially if your frustration is due primarily to
'enterprise' environments which refuse to recognise Linux as a supported
platform. this was primarily why I used macOS for work - though most of
the issues with Linux in that environment seem to have been resolved

prayner--- via Emacspeak <emacspeak(a)emacspeak.org> writes:

> For those unfamiliar, WSL-G is a linux virtual machine made available
> by microsoft for running under Windows. I know Krzysztof Drewniak has
> used this at least for testing things but has anyone used it as their
> primary emacspeak environment? I'm considering it as an alternative to
> emacspeak in the Linux GUI that I've used for the last couple of
> decades. But it couldn't sacrifice much emacspeak responsiveness or
> functionality since that's where I spend 70% of my time. I'm just
> becoming increasingly frustrated with the other 30%. This is one way
> forward, OSX is obviously another.
> thanks for any experiences good or bad
> regards
> Peter

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