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[Emacspeak] Re: Emacspeak at the forefront of innovation yet again

Devin Prater <r.d.t.prater(a)gmail.com> writes:

> I wonder if someone could make a speech server that interfaces with an emulated DecTalk in Mame? It has DecTalk 1 and 2, but
> maybe the DTK server could be revived for that? It'd also make it very crossplatform.

All things are possible, it just requires someone with an itch annoying
enough they are willing to scratch it!

Not sure of the value of an interface to a DecTalk emulator though. All
platforms now have good quality software TTS support and hooking into
the native TTS API for each platform is probably the only way to ensure
good performance.

The real challenge across platforms seems to be the 'glue' language used
to interface between Emacs and the TTS. Hard to find something which
will work across all platforms.

The real advantage of something which works with a native Windows API
would be that once you have Emacs installed, all you would need to do is
install Emacspeak (same experience as with the mac, where installing
Emacspeak is even easier than on Linux). There would be no requirement
to install additional emulators or TTS engines etc. 

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