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[Emacspeak] Re: Introduction & Voice Configuration Questions

"D.J.J. Ring, Jr. via Emacspeak" <emacspeak(a)emacspeak.org> writes:

> Someone would have to make a software speech server for the Voxin Embedded voices like they have for espeak-ng and Voxin
> IBMTTS. The speech servers are part of emacspeak software code, so Raman or one of the developers surely have to be involved to
> get this done.
> I'm just a user and admirer of emacspeak.

Anyone can implement a new speech server and there is no need for Raman
or anyone else to be involved. If you are successful in developing a new
speech server and it reaches sufficient maturity, Raman will likely be
happy to add it into the Emacspeak repository for others to use. This is
how both the espeak and mac speech servers were developed.

Emacspeak is essentially a 'scratch your own itch' system. If you want
enhancements or new features, either you have to implement it yourself
or find someone who will implement it for you. All the information
necessary to do it is in the documentation and the existing servers can
be used as a guide. 

An important consideration when developing a speech server for Emacspeak
is to consider on-going maintenance. Someone needs to take on the
responsibility to maintain any new speech server. One of the problems
with the current espeak server is that nobody has stepped up to maintain
it. The maintainer needs to be someone who uses that speech server.
Raman is happy to maintain things he uses. However, his focus is on
maintaining a system he can use for experimenting and developing eyes
free interfaces. His focus is not on supporting Emacspeak for community
use. His position is largely "Here is what I use and it works pretty
well for me. You might find it useful as well." Emacspeak is very much a
'scratch your own itch" system. If something doesn't work for you or you
would like to see new features or enhancements, then it is largely down
to you to make it happen. Raman and others on the list will likely
provide guidance, advice and some support at various levels, but the
burden sits mainly with the individual. 

I believe Gilles from oralux is planning to add vocalizer support for
Emacspeak in Voxin. (it is worth noting the voxin releases which include
vocalizer voices is still in beta). If your interested in developing a
speech server for vocalizer voices, it might be worthwhile contacting
him to see if you can assist. 

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