Has anyone had any luck with running Emacspeak with straight.el? I've tried the recipe from the emacsmmirror, but that didn't seem to work on its own (I had to do a :post-build ("make" "espeak") to compile the speech server which wasn't too bad, but that's as far as I managed to get). Also, I think that Emacspeak is confused since Straight symlinks the elisp files to ~/.emacs.d/straight/build/emacspeak and some of the variables are expecting the root directory of the emacspeak repository itself, namely this variable definition:
(defvar emacspeak-directory
 (expand-file-name "../" (file-name-directory load-file-name))
 "emacspeak directory")
which I'm fairly certain should be something along the lines of:
(defvar emacspeak-directory
 (expand-file-name "../" (file-name-directory (file-truename load-file-name)))
 "emacspeak directory")
Furthermore, the autoloads file doesn't appear to be correct, so I wound up changing (load "emacspeak-loaddefs") to (load "emacspeak-autoloads") in emacspeak-setup.el
Up til now, these are the approaches I've tried, so I am wondering if anyone has had any success in getting emacspeak to work with straight.el, and if so, what approach did you take?
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