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[Emacspeak] Odd Error when Trying to Enter Passwords


Whenever I get a password prompt in Emacs, I get this error that shows
up in my messages:
 Invalid function: ems-with-environment
Here is a backtrace from a session I was working in earlier today:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (invalid-function ems-with-environment)
  ems-with-environment((("PULSE_SINK")) nil)
  ad-Advice-read-passwd(#<subr read-passwd> "Password: ")
  apply(ad-Advice-read-passwd #<subr read-passwd> "Password: ")
  read-passwd("Password: ")
[current-prefix-arg ement-sessions :user-id read-string "User ID: "
:password read-passwd "Password: " (error) ement--read-sessions
display-warning ement format "Unable to read session data from disk
(%s).  Promp..." error-message-string #<hash-table eq 2/2
0x155ab25baa07> :session ement-complete-session] 7)
  command-execute(ement-connect record)
  execute-extended-command(nil "ement-connect" "ement-con")
  #<subr funcall-interactively>(execute-extended-command nil
"ement-connect" "ement-con")
  apply(#<subr funcall-interactively> execute-extended-command (nil
"ement-connect" "ement-con"))
  ad-Advice-funcall-interactively(#<subr funcall-interactively>
execute-extended-command nil "ement-connect" "ement-con")
  apply(ad-Advice-funcall-interactively #<subr funcall-interactively>
(execute-extended-command nil "ement-connect" "ement-con"))
  funcall-interactively(execute-extended-command nil "ement-connect"
I guess this might have to do with Pulseaudio somehow, so here are some details.
pactl info:
Server String: /run/user/1000/pulse/native
Library Protocol Version: 35
Server Protocol Version: 35
Is Local: yes
Client Index: 9661
Tile Size: 65472
User Name: sektor
Host Name: tekunen
Server Name: PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.53)
Server Version: 15.0.0
Default Sample Specification: float32le 2ch 48000Hz
Default Channel Map: front-left,front-right
Default Sink: alsa_output.usb-Blue_Microphones_Yeti_X_2023SG00D6W8_888-000313110306-00.analog-stereo
Default Source:
Cookie: ae91:41e8

# default.pa ---   -*- mode: conf; -*-
.include /etc/pulse/default.pa
# Use per app volume
# A bs2b (binaural for headphones) sink:

load-module module-ladspa-sink sink_name=binaural
master=@DEFAULT_SINK@ plugin=bs2b label=bs2b control=725,6.5

# Use binaural as the default sink:
#set-default-sink  binaural

# A tts_right device

load-module module-remap-sink sink_name=tts_right  master=binaural
channels=2 master_channel_map=front-right,front-right,
channel_map=front-left,front-right remix=no
load-module module-remap-sink sink_name=tts_left  master=binaural
channels=2 master_channel_map=front-left,front-left,
channel_map=front-left,front-right remix=no
# X11 Bell:
load-module module-x11-bell
load-sample bell-window-system /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga
load-sample-dir-lazy  /home/sektor/.emacs.d/emacspeak/sounds/ogg-chimes
Have I done something wrong with the current configuration that is
causing this issue?



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