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[Emacspeak] Re: Reading Books: Re: Plugin Recommendations Thread (2023 Edition)

Robert Melton <lists(a)robertmelton.com> writes:

Ergonomics: up/down is nice but C-s is better because your hands stay on
the home row.

Just press C-r if you want to move backwards instead of forwards. Also
get used to using org-mode.

For isearch, fuzzy search == regexp search --M-c-s to start, then c-s to
 repeat -- you can even toggle between the two modes. All that said,
 continue to use swiper if that is what you like, I only write this up
 so you dont wander into a local minimum in swiper and get trapped
 there. org-mode is a swiss army knife; but you  only need to use its
 corkscrew if 're opening a bottle of champagne, and never use its

 > First of all, this epub stuff is great. 
> Secondly... org-mode seems like... a lot.  I have no idea what I would do with it 
> or where I might start. 
> Finally, regarding swiper.  Maybe I have a mental block with using the built in
> search, things I love about swiper, and I don't have enough vision to read 
> results it shows, are: 
> 1. fuzzy finding on line, if I know it starts with def and has Kitty in it I can find 
> it. 
> 2. I can loop go through results with up and down arrows and jump to the one
> I am on with return. 
> 3. I can return the the search with a keypress exactly where I left off if I jump 
> to the wrong one. 
> 4. Bi-directional, I can go forward or back from where I am with arrow up or 
> down. 
> 5. I even use it to read files, if I am looking for all my keybinds I just do a 
> swiper for global-set-key and read them with up and down arrow. 
> The fuzzy finding, the ergonomics of up/down keys to move around and
> quick return to it if I jump to the wrong place are the key features. 



--Raman(I Search, I Find, I Misplace, I Research)
♈ Id: kg:/m/0285kf1  🦮

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