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Re: [Emacspeak] Swiftmac Server: MacOS / Swift / Minimal Build Requirements Help Wanted

I don't have a Mac any more, but I think Swift could also be used as an interpreter? So you would add

#!/usr/bin/env xcrun swift

to the top of the server, and the user just has to have the xcode command line tools installed. Seems easier than building a binary.


On 10/24/2023 9:32 AM, Robert Melton (via emacspeak Mailing List) wrote:
Hey All!

TL;DR: I need help finding out what the minimum requirements for building my swiftmac package,
I need to confirm it works on Intel, and I would love to build a CI/CD FAT binary generation so no
build is needed at all.


I am busy working on Swiftmac Server 2.0, but while I do that I am getting ready to contribute
Swiftmac 1.0 to the Emacspeak project.

Swiftmac v1 link: https://github.com/robertmeta/swiftmac

Swiftmac 1.0 now has proper pitch shift on caps, still has a few little bugs, but is stable and
mostly just-works (tm).

But, I run the most modern MacOS and a full fat Xcode install, and I am now in the process of
finding what the absolute minimum of system requirements can be installed to build it.  I think
it needs XCode command line tools and nothing else.

If someone who has a minimal XCode install could try building it and report back that would be

Additionally, no testing has taken place on Intel Macs, so people with Intel macs who could try
it that would be amazing as well.

My final sort of stretch goal would be a CI/CD build that could go in the Emacspeak project to
generate FAT (intel/arm) binaries and have them be downloadable so there are NO requirements
on the client side for having XCode installed.  The makefile would download from the Emacspeak
binary releases.  I already build these and upload them by hand, it would just be a matter of
doing it via Githubs CI/CD flow.

Anything else I should be considering before I contribute it?

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