Hi Victor,Strange, also, that using the universal argument doesn't toggle the variables in other buffers. Can you open a new buffer after you toggle, and use m-: to check the variable value? Sent from my iPhone On Feb 22, 2024, at 22:04, Victor Tsaran <vtsaran@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks Parham! This does not work for me, unfortunately. Will scan the manual once again to see if I missed anything. :)
Hi Victor, These variables are defined as local variables, meaning that if you're setting them with setq, the default value (which is the value assigned to the variable when you open a new buffer) isn't set. To change the default value in your init file, you'd need to use `setq-default'. The syntax is like `setq', but it works with local variables. You can look it up in the elisp info pages for the caveats. Good luck!
Hi. This is probably a simple question, but I am not able to make the dtk-caps and dtk-punctuation-mode variables "stick" and persist across sessions after setting them in my initialization file. In fact, even if I set them interactively in one buffer with the "universal prefix" , they will get reset in other buffers. I am probably missing something obvious here, but what?
Thanks for any pointers! Best. Victor
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